Building the future one student at a time

About Us

Imagine a school where children discover their strengths, talents, and interests by exploring the world around them. This is our mission, to guide children and give them the confidence and opportunity to grow while ensuring they receive the education they deserve. We accept children of all ages, and all abilities with a special focus on individuals whose needs are better served outside of a typical school setting. 

Year Round Individualized Learning

Every student is an individual with unique interests, talents, struggles and their education should take this into account. Every student receives a competency based education that is appropriate for them. We ensure the students learn and master the skills not only required by the state, but the skills they need to be successful throughout their lives. We guide them to be their best selves. We offer year round flexible learning to ensure that your student and family can have the control over your lives that you deserve. We will work with your family to ensure your student meets the state's required number of attendance hours and ensure that your student thrives and grows educationally.

Self-Paced Mastery

     All students work on skills at their own pace until they have mastered them. Our students work as quickly or slowly as needed to ensure that they master the concepts they are working on.

Skills for life not standardized tests

      All of our students are taught the skills they need to succeed in life, not just the classroom. In addition to our extensive curriculum in core subjects, children are exposed to music, the arts, volunteering, as well as exploring their own interests and where they may lead. Every student that graduates does so with post high school plans in place. Many of our students even earn college credits or enter into apprenticeships while still in High School. 

Is your Child Getting the Education They Deserve?